• Farmico

    • Created an AI Based Tool for Farmers for Crop disease Detection; achieved 87% accuracy
    • Provided an API for automated robotic systems to detect weed growth using images
    • Techstack : p_language p_language p_language p_language p_language
  • Project Tracker

    • Built a web app for teams work together, Team members can be added to projects and can create tasks update them
    • Used NLP model using to detect profanity in the chats and ban the members with 92% accuracy
    • Techstack : p_language p_language p_language p_language p_language
  • Stock Visualizer

    • Created a Python GUI Desktop Application that scrapes Real-time Data from a website using web scraping and converts it into data-frame to provide multiple visualizations to the User
    • Techstack : p_language p_language
  • PCA Streamlit Visualizer using Streamlit

    • Created a simple web application to compare the accuracy of different classifiers on dataset before and after performing PCA
    • Techstack : p_language p_language p_language
  • Fuzzy Logic Visualizer using streamlit

    • Created a simple web application to visualize the Fuzzy Logic, Membership functions, rules and generate output from the application
    • Techstack : p_language p_language p_language
  • Reddit Clone

    • Created a Reddit Clone using Angular for frontend and Java SpringBoot for Backend to perform basic operations on the application.
    • Techstack : p_language p_language p_language